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Protect your property with the best alarm systems

What are the common components of a security system?

The control panel is the ‘brain’ of the security system. It can look like an electrical cabinet or a keyboard. It receives transmissions from sensors and communicates data to the central control room. The battery is located in the control panel, which backs up the system when the power is turned off.

Control panels are units that can be installed anywhere in the house to provide easy access to your alarm system. By typing in your personal code and the right buttons, you can quickly turn your security system on and off. Your installer alarmsteem will explain exactly how everything works.
Which alarm system to buy

The first four systems work mainly as theft protection:

Door and window contacts
Door and window contacts are devices that are plugged into windows and doorways. When the door or window is open, the “contact” is broken and a signal is sent to the panel and then to the control room.

Motion detectors
Motion detectors are devices in the home that trigger an alarm when something comes in its path. Passive infrared and microwave processing ensure excellent trapping performance without false alarms. There are also “pet-sensitive” motion detectors that can be installed in a home with pets.

Glass breakage detection
Glass breakage detectors, also known as audio detectors, are normally installed in rooms with many fixed windows that are easily accessible from the outside. If the window is broken, the shattering glass sound will set off the alarm.

The following systems protect against smoke, fire and water:
Heat sensors
Fires usually cause a rapid rise in temperature in the environment. Heat detectors detect the temperature rise and give an alarm if the rise is 15 degrees or more per minute or if the ambient temperature rises above 135 degrees. The best locations for heat sensors are areas such as kitchens, attics and garages.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors
With a CO detector that is part of your alarm system, your safety is monitored day and night. Your monitoring station can automatically send emergency assistance in the event of an unsafe situation in your home, giving you extra peace of mind.

Water detectors (or water bug)
The water detector is a device connected to the alarm panel and placed in areas that are sensitive to water problems. The water bug triggers an alarm when a water film forms a bridge between the two contacts on the device.

Temperature sensors
Temperature sensors accurately measure the ambient temperatures in your environment. If the temperature becomes higher or lower than the preset standards, the unit will contact the alarm center. These sensors can help prevent freezing of pipes in holiday homes or other buildings, and are also good in wine cellars, freezers and other areas you may need to control.

Maintenance and installation of an alarm system

Leave the installation to an installer of alarm systems
Burglary, fire, access control, camera surveillance and other surveillance places, is an accurate job.
Whether you own your own small business, manage multiple properties or want to secure in or private domain, ask for free information before purchasing an alarm system that is fully adapted to your needs.
And because no one likes to be faced with large, unexpected costs, you can arrange a service agreement with your installer: for a small fee, they will visit you at the slightest malfunction.

Bitcoin: the virtual gold

The consequences of the lockdown measures and the additional uncertainty have an immense impact on financial markets worldwide. That is why countries, and also the ECB here in Europe, are recovering from their ‘bazooka’. Essentially, these economic bazookas are nothing more than printing money and pumping it into the economy.

Printing money notes comes with a price: each banknote printed leads to a decrease in the value of the currency as a whole. You don’t see your capital change, but in reality there is a loss of purchasing power due to the actions of the monetary authorities. The victims are ordinary citizens.
Digital coins

Nobody wants to see their capital decrease in value. One way to protect yourself from this is to use Bitcoin, a crypt currency or digital currency. As an experiment, Bitcoin was released to the world in 2009. As a result of its technical development, the maximum number of Bitcoins in circulation has been set at 21 million.

So the big advantage of Bitcoin is that the coins can’t be added and this ceiling remains unchanged. This is in stark contrast to the number of one-dollar bills that increased from 9.7 billion in 2009 to as much as 12.4 billion in 2018.
Gold vs Bitcoin

For decades, a rare raw material such as goud has been used as an underlying substitute. And that has its consequences during a financial crisis, because ‘gold shines in dark times’. The difference in size between different amounts ranging from buying a loaf of bread to buying a villa, makes gold less scalable (flexible) than note money. Despite its stability under economically unstable conditions, gold remains an impractical currency.

Makes Bitcoin a useful currency.

Combining the needs of the present, such as supporting digital transactions, with the power of the past, such as the scalability of paper money, makes Bitcoin a usable currency. A strong currency has a predetermined size and meets all the requirements to be a good means of payment. It is disposable, anonymous, safe, sustainable, and above all, inflation-resistant. What’s more, there are no additional hidden transaction fees, you can immediately transfer Bitcoins and split them into smaller monetary values. Finally, the decentralization of Bitcoin means that a central body cannot create or control the currency.
What does the ECB do?

The ECB also sees these advantages. That is why it decided at the beginning of this year to thoroughly explore the possibilities of crypto coins. In cooperation with the central banks of Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden and Switzerland, a research team is being set up to examine in which situations crypto coins can be interesting and advantageous, especially in terms of digital payment solutions at international level. In addition, they are investigating the possibilities of having their own digital currency and which technical approach would be most appropriate. The main question then remains whether or not this concerns a fixed quantity of coins.

These actions are necessary since various tech giants such as Amazon and Facebook are also researching the different possibilities of their own digital currency. How governments will arm themselves against this is another question.
It is not all gold that shines

Although it all sounds nice in theory, it’s not all gold that shines. The working of Bitcoin, or other digital coins like Ethereum, Litecoin or Ripple is similar. In practice, however, a number of pitfalls come to light that were not initially foreseen. Due to the fixed number of Bitcoins in circulation, the currency is considered an investment material rather than a digital currency that can be used for numerous transactions. This explains its volatile nature and makes it less interesting as a means of payment. The future will have to show how international legislation could curb this opportunistic behavior of investors – who see digital coins as an opportunity for usury rather than as a means of payment – and to what extent crypt currency could complement or even completely replace our current currencies.

1200 year old treasure of gold coins found at excavations in Yavneh

A treasure of seven good coins was found during excavations in Yavneh that were hidden in a broken jug made of clay. This was probably the savings of a potter.

The gold coins date from the early Islamic period. The excavations revealed an old industrial area that was active for several hundred years.

I was cataloguing a large number of artifacts that we found during the excavations when I suddenly heard screams of joy,” said Liat Nadav-Ziv, co-director with Dr. Elie Haddad of the excavation on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

“I ran to them and saw Marc Molkondov, a veteran archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority, who came to me excitedly. We quickly followed him to the field where we were surprised to see the treasure. This is without doubt a unique and exciting find, especially during the Hanukkah holidays”.

Inspection of the Yavneh gold coins carried out by Dr. Robert Kool, an expert on ancient coins at the Israel Antiquities Authority, learned that the goud  coins are from the early Abbasid period (9th century CE).

Among the coins is a gold Dinar from the reign of the caliph Haroun A-Rashid (786-809 CE), on which the popular story ‘Arabian Nights’, also known as ‘One Thousand and One Nights’, was based. “The treasure also contains coins that are rarely found in Israel,” says Dr. Kool. “These are gold dinars issued by the Aghlabid dynasty that ruled North Africa, in the region of modern Tunisia, on behalf of the Abbasid caliphate centred in Baghdad”. “No doubt this is a wonderful Hanukkah gift for us” concluded Dr. Kool.

The large-scale excavation, carried out southeast of Tel Yavneh, revealed an unusually large amount of pottery kilns that were active at the end of the Byzantine and the beginning of the early Islamic period (7th – 9th centuries CE). The kilns were for commercial production of storage pots, cooking pots and bowls. The golden treasure was found in a small jug, at the entrance of one of the kilns and according to the archaeologists it could have been the personal savings of the potter.

In another part of the site, the remains of a large industrial plant from the Persian period (4th – 5th centuries BC) used for the production of wine were unveiled. According to Dr. Haddad of the Israel Antiquities Authority “the first analysis of the contents of the plant revealed ancient grape seeds.

The size and number of barrels found on the site indicated that wine was produced on a commercial scale, far more than necessary for the local needs of the ancient inhabitants of Yavneh “.


Hoe werkt een alarmsysteem?

Het is belangrijk om als ondernemer preventieve maatregelen te nemen om bijvoorbeeld inbraak in het bedrijfspand te voorkomen (inbraakpreventie). Een alarmsysteem aanschaffen is één van de middelen, die ondernemers tot de beschikking staan om het bedrijfspand te beschermen tegen inbraak. Een alarminstallatie zal een alarm afgeven op het moment dat zich een bepaalde gebeurtenis voordoet, zoals het detecteren van inbraak of brand. In dat opzicht wordt een alarminstallatie of alarmsysteem ook wel aangeduid als een inbraakalarm. Het alarmsysteem kan in verbinding staan met een meldkamer, zodat er bij een alarm door een beveiligingsbeambte dan wel een ander persoon polshoogte genomen kan worden bij het bedrijf.

Werking alarminstallatie

Een alarminstallatie werkt op basis van sensoren. Indien er een deur of raam wordt geopend van uw bedrijfspand, waar zich een sensor bevindt, dan zal het alarm in werking worden gesteld. Er zijn diverse soorten van detectoren, zoals een glasbreukmelder, een bewegingdetector of een rookmelder. Alarmsystemen kunnen naar wens worden uitgebreid met verschillende detectoren, zodat uw bedrijfspand optimaal beveiligd kan worden.

• Bewegingdetector
• Glasbreukdetector
• Rookmelder
• Waterlekkagemelder
• Ondergrondse inbraaksensoren

Alarmsysteem en meldkamer

U kunt bedrijfspand gedurende vierentwintig uur per dag en zeven dagen per week beschermen tegen inbraak, waarbij het alarmsysteem is aangesloten op de alarmcentrale. Op het moment dat er een alarmsignaal wordt gegeven, ontvangt de alarmcentrale daar automatisch een melding van en wordt u daarvan in kennis gesteld. De alarmcentrale kan vervolgens hulpdiensten inschakelen.

U kunt hier vrijblijvend een offerte alarmsysteem aanvragen bij drie leveranciers

Afhankelijk van het type alarminstallatie kan het alarmsysteem op verschillende manieren worden ingeschakeld en uitgeschakeld. Er zijn alarmsystemen, die u met een code kunt inschakelen en uitschakelen, maar er zijn ook alarminstallaties, die functioneren op basis van een afstandsbediening. Dat heeft als voordeel dat u niet belast wordt met het onthouden van een code, maar alleen de afstandsbediening hoeft te gebruiken. De afstandsbediening van de alarminstallatie kan bijvoorbeeld worden uitgevoerd in de vorm van een sleutelhanger, die u altijd bij u kunt dragen. De leverancier kan op basis van een risicoklasse analyse een passend alarmsysteem MKB klasse adviseren.